Counterfeit Education
What Is Counterfeit And Why Is It Wrong:
A counterfeit product is an imitation or fake made with the intent to deceive the consumer into believing it to be genuine. Our goal is to help our customers to be aware of counterfeit footwear that is being sold to unsuspecting buyers as genuine Jumbo Ugg Boots Products.
Counterfeiting is illegal. It has a significant impact on the global economy, removing tens of thousands of jobs and costing the economy an estimated $600 Billion of legitimate revenue a year.
Counterfeiting is not a victimless crime. Consumers who believe they are purchasing genuine items are left with inferior items that cannot live up to their expectations. Counterfeiters hurt legitimate business owners as well as the overall economy because they do not pay taxes nor do they provide fair wages or benefits to their employees. They frequently use child labour, participate in identity theft, fail to deliver goods that were paid for and have been connected to gang activity and terrorism, among other crimes. When you purchase a counterfeit product, you are funding and supporting this criminal activity.
Counterfeiters are not accountable for human rights and environmental regulations. Counterfeiters don't adhere to child labour laws, anti-sweatshop laws, or restricted substances laws, putting both workers and the environment at risk. Fundamental human rights of workers employed by counterfeiters, such as basic safety and health precautions, are often compromised or entirely ignored creating a work environment that is safe for no one.
How To Tell If You Bought Genuine Jumbo Ugg?

Warning On Fake / Fraudulent Websites:
There are many websites appearing on the Google Ad words system (Googles sponsored ads) offering UGG Boots that are in fact low-quality fakes/copies of UGG boots. These websites deliberately set out to deceive people into thinking they are buying genuine UGG Boots when in fact customers in many cases are not receiving goods at all, receiving irrelevant items or receiving cheaply-made low-quality fakes. These items are shipped directly from counterfeiting factories. In fact, many of these websites have copied content from our website, including images, logos, and content to trick unaware consumers into purchasing from them. The intention of this article is to warn customers of those websites and provide you with an updated list of those websites in order for customers to avoid purchasing from them. The amount of emails we have received from innocent consumers and customers is undoubtedly significant and has triggered this action. With Christmas around the corner, we urge you to be vigilant in avoiding purchasing through these websites.
Furthermore, we have no doubt that each and every one of these fake websites will soon have this notice appearing to trick the consumer once again into believing that they are the real deal. Before you continue your navigation and purchase we strongly recommend you use a simple tool to run a check on the website, its location and its owner. Anything coming out of China (country code CN) within the last 12 months should be avoided. You may use the following website and type in the domain name you are currently on. We recommend typing this link into your web browser and not clicking on the link.
Tips On Identifying Fake Ugg Boot Websites
Contact methods: If the website only offers an input form for support or a generic e-mail account like Gmail or Yahoo or IM support then AVOID. Legitimate Online Ugg Boot retailers have much more established websites with proper support methods, domain name email addresses, physical addresses and telephone numbers and local contacts.
Poor English: If some of the text on the home pages and product pages seems a little odd then take that as a warning sign that the creator cannot speak English or simply does not care what their content writes. Irrelevant text content can be found on these websites, and content that simply does not make sense. Naturally, this is a clear indication the website in question clearly does not care what he sells you and his only interest is your money. Cheap Prices: Remember the old adage if it sounds too good to be true then it generally is.
Methods of Payment: If the website offers only payment methods such as Western Union Transfer and PayPal, avoid.
Jumbo Ugg Boots hopes this information has been of use to you and wishes you a safe purchase.